Caamp is a musical group that started with two childhood friends, Taylor Meier, and Evan Westfall. The two grew up in Arlington, OH, and attended Ohio University. Eventually, bass player Matt Vinson and keyboardist Joseph Kavalec were added to the group's lineup. Since then, they have released three albums, including their self-titled debut in 2016, "By and By" in 2019, and "Lavender Days" in 2022. While looking through my past blogs, I have kept the trend of choosing my favorite artist's albums. Over the weeks, it has become less obvious which to choose every week. Each week though, I end up scrolling through my albums and finding one I get incredibly excited to listen to and write about. This week is that way as well! Caamp's first album is not the band's most popular, but it has some amazing songs on it. I will listen to each song, rate it 1-10, and then at the end give the album an overall score out of 10. 1: "All the Debts I Owe" ...